Christian boarding schools in Portland, Oregon. Free help finding the best Christian boarding school in Portland.

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Let Us Help You find a Christian Boarding School for Your Struggling Teen!

We have over 15 years of knowledge and experience, have visited over 130 campuses, have long-standing first-hand relationships with program staff, and work every day to bring help and hope to parents who need to make informed decisions. Our help is 100% free and there is absolutely zero obligation to heed our suggestions. - Tamara Bolthouse, MA, HS-BCP, Senior Chaplain


Christian Boarding Schools in Portland, Oregon

Looking for a Christian boarding school near Portland, Oregon? Is your teenager spinning out of control? We can help you, without charge…

There is nothing worse than living with a teen spinning out of control, and no worse feeling than the sadness parents experience in the process. It is difficult to know what to do and how to react when your boy or girl daily reaches new lows in disobedience, dishonesty, and disrespect, and chooses badly.

We know, because we went through it with our son. Raised in a Christian home and mostly home-schooled until high school, we suddenly found that we didn’t know him. He had changed seemingly overnight. His marks in school started falling and his interest in sports and old friends shifted to a new group of friends — the kind parents are wary of — the kind of kids that got kicked out of a public school, so the local private school took them in.

Little did we know, our son was already heavy into smoking pot, sniffing solvents, drinking alcohol and just about everything else his new peer group dared him to do. The downward spiral was dramatic — all the way down to holes-in-the-walls rages, running away for days at a time, and finally threatening suicide. After months in counseling, the therapist proclaimed that there was nothing more he could do. He recommended a local boarding school where issues could be dealt with and the influence of his negative peer group could be broken.

Putting our son in a therapeutic Christian boarding school was the hardest thing we’ve ever done as parents.

Not only would it mean selling everything and cashing in all of our savings and the boy’s college fund, but it would mean not seeing our boy for long periods of time. We cried for two days after dropping him off. But then, two weeks later, we learned our boy had been attacked on campus. Unfortunately, the school we put him in was also taking in some violent gang members (they hadn’t told us that), and our son was soon their target, nearly killing him. After his recovery, we went on our own search for the right Christian boarding school where he could be safe and be counseled for his issues – after all, he still needed help, and now he also needed therapy for the trauma of being attacked.

We learned from this traumatic experience that therapeutic schools can be quite different and need to be selected based on their strengths and avoided if they have serious weaknesses. It’s important to know what those are.

Some Christian boarding schools are good, and others are not so good. Some target one set of issues; others are experts on other issues. But talking to them, they want to fill their beds, so they’ll often present themselves as “experts in all areas” having to do with behavior.  But that’s not always so. Some kids are just being rebellious, but others are really dealing with serious issues that may not be known to their parents. So choosing a “behavioral modification” program when a “therapeutic” program is needed can do more harm than good.  It can also be a big waste of money.

No one was around to help us in Portland find the right school for our boy. We made a mistake to begin with, and that cost us dearly, but after months of research we found a good program that was able to help our son. Today, our family and even our son are thankful for that program.

The Christian boarding school we finally enrolled him in literally saved his life and got him off the downward spiral.

So, is your family experiencing the same storms of a teenager who is out of control? Are you walking on similar pins and needles around your teen? Does it sometimes seem like he or she has suddenly been taken over by aliens (well, not literally)?

Let us help you in finding the best program near Portland, Oregon. We’ve made it our life goal to know all we can about every school, so we can help parents (without cost) find the best possible choice for their troubled teen. We want to help parents avoid the same mistake we did.

Now, every day we hear from many frustrated parents in towns like Portland, Oregon, who share how their once normal and happy child has become seriously out of control — just like our son was. They talk about how it has disrupted their home and how they fear for their child’s future and very life. “My child is no longer who she used to be,” is an often repeated cry from these parents.

If your son or daughter is out of control, he or she needs you to intervene. That’s why you’ve landed on this site, so allow us to be the help you need to help you find just the right program near Portland, Oregon.  The downward spiral your teen is on can have tremendous destructive potential with lifelong consequences, or even bring a young life to a quick end. Don’t wait.  Act now based on what you know is true – your faith, your own beliefs, and what you know is best for your child.

Give us the opportunity to help you find a Christian boarding school closest to Portland, Oregon that will provide your teen with the help and mentoring he or she needs, and within your budget.  We’ve visited most of these schools and we know the personnel there.  We know what they are good at, and what they are not so good at.  We poll parents who have placed their teen in these programs, so we know how well they have done.

You may not want to put your child in a nearby Portland merely out of convenience (like we did).  Rather, find the program that is most likely to help your child, wherever it may be located in the country.  Give us the chance to tell you about a few of them.  Fill in the inquiry form now to begin that process.  There is NO CHARGE for this service. We will deal with you according to your wishes and call or email the information to you confidentially and as convenient.

More about Portland, Oregon:

Portland is a city located in the Pacific Northwest, near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia rivers in the U.S. state of Oregon. As of the 2010 Census, it had a population of 583,776, making it the 29th most populous city in the United States. Portland is Oregon’s most populous city, and the third most populous city in the Pacific Northwest, after Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Approximately 2,260,000 people live in the Portland metropolitan area ,Cite news] the 23rd most populous in the United States.
Portland was incorporated in 1851 and is the county seat of Multnomah County.GR The city extends west into the Cedar Mill neighborhood in Washington County and south towards Lake Oswego in Clackamas County. With a commission-based government headed by a mayor and four other commissioners, the city and region are noted for strong land-use planning and investment in light rail, supported by Metro, a distinctive regional government. Because of its public transportation networks and efficient land use planning, Portland has been referred to as one of the most environmentally friendly, or “green”, cities in the world.
Located in the Marine west coast climate region, Portland has a climate marked by warm, dry summers and wet but mild winters. This climate is ideal for growing roses, and for more than a century, Portland has been known as “The City of Roses” with many rose gardensmost prominently the International Rose Test Garden. The city is also known for its large number of microbreweries and microdistilleries, as well as its coffee enthusiasm. It is also the home of the Timbers MLS team and the Trail Blazers NBA team.


Excerpt about Portland, Oregon, used with permission from